Families, Inc.
Employee Application Storage
Review Link Forwarding
This Drupal 7 site uses the Webforms module extensively. We wanted to give them an extremely secure way to store their applications, so AWS S3 came into play to separate their concerns.
Later on, they also needed some links to get people to their Google reviews faster. Easier said than done.
Platform: Drupal 7
AWS Services: S3

Keeping Everything Secure
When I first arrived at Pleth, this was one of the first projects that I collaborated on. The question was: How do we keep these uploaded resumes, applications, etc. as secure as possible, like Fort Knox-secure? Like a lot of my other solutions, I looked to AWS.
The content that was generated after an application submission was sent off-server to a completely locked-down and encrypted S3 bucket, and we had the only keys. This was accomplished with a custom D7 module that used the AWS PHP SDK to securely send information back-and-forth as needed, and I won’t divulge much more than that.
Some time later, the client wanted to fast-track people to their Google reviews by means of links that included their domain name. The first obvious solution was to run it through the host records. However, we found that when the link was posted on Facebook, a query string was automatically appended to the end of the link and that just screwed everything up (thanks Zuckerberg). The answer was to do all of the routing/redirecting from the root htaccess file on the site, and any linking that had the fbclid query string was immediately stripped of it using regular expressions.
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